River's Bend Senior Center
The River’s Bend component of the Northwest Community Center, administered by Salt Lake County Aging & Adult Services Activity Aging Program provides a wide array of amenities for older adults and their families.
The Northwest Community Center opened November 12, 1970, and was dedicated on December 7, 1970, and now has been in operation for over 40 years. It all started when the Community Action Program organized the seniors for socials and activities.
Many do not know that the Jordan River was relocated to accommodate for the present day Northwest Multipurpose Center and that the land started as a dairy farm. What is now the East parking lot was where the river originally flowed and bent back through the west portion of the property. On July 18, 1995 the Complex added a new addition to the center, creating a space just for seniors. In October of 2008 the senior center was remolded and renamed River’s Bend Senior Center.