Council for Aging and Adult Services
The purpose of the Council is to advise and assist Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services to promote the welfare of the older citizens of Salt Lake County that each may be assisted and encouraged by community resources in their quest for independent living to the best of their physical and mental potential.
The Council shall advise the Division on the planning, evaluating, improving, developing, coordinating, and funding of programs to serve the needs of those over 60 years of age within Salt Lake County. They shall act as an advocate within agencies or organizations within the community to encourage the implementation of these programs to meet the needs of senior citizens.
The Council is a forum for discussing matters relative to services for the aging. It provides an opportunity for discussing matters relevant to individual service centers and shall hear periodic reports from directors of aging programs.
Council meetings are open to the public. Eight (8) meetings are held yearly on the first Thursday of each month; February through May and August through November. The meeting time is 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. The location of the meetings differs month to month, due to meeting at different County senior centers around the valley. Please contact Abigail Roberson by email or by phone, one week prior to the meeting.