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Voting for People with Disabilities

All voters deserve to vote safely and securely utilizing a secret ballot. For voters with disabilities, they can vote by-mail, in-person, or with electronic voting.

Click the links below to learn more about each option.

By-Mail Voting

Graphical user interface.

Since 2014, elections in Salt Lake County have been primarily conducted by mail, providing convenience and accessibility for voters. Every active, registered voter will receive a ballot starting three weeks before Election Day for elections they are eligible to vote in.

Voters can complete their ballot and return it one of three ways:

  • By-mail through U.S.P.S.
  • Through a secure ballot drop box.
  • At any Election Day Vote Center on Election Day during polling hours.

Voting by mail allows voters more time to research their ballot, return it in a way that works for them, and request assistance if needed.

Voters who have difficulty signing their ballot envelope may contact our office for special accommodations.

For more information on by-mail voting accessibility, contact our office.

In-Person Voting

Graphical user interface.

All Salt Lake County Vote Centers are ADA compliant and equipped to assist voters with disabilities. Voters who prefer to vote in person can do so at any Vote Center.

Available Accommodations:

  • Touchscreen voting machines with adjustable text size, color contrast, and audio ballot marking devices (upon request) for independent voting.
  • Assistive tools such as magnifying lenses and signature guides to aid with check-in.
  • Personal assistance—voters may bring someone to help them vote, as long as it is not their employer or union representative.
  • Friendly, trained staff ready to provide immediate assistance.

Voters may prefer this option if they:

  • Do not have a stable physical or email address.
  • Want in-person assistance from election staff.
  • Prefer the in-person voting experience.

Electronic Voting

Graphical user interface.

Eligible voters with disabilities may request electronic ballot delivery and return for elections in which they are eligible to vote. This service, provided in partnership with Enhanced Voting under Utah State Code 20A-3a-201, allows voters to receive, complete, and submit their ballot securely online.

How It Works:

  • A secure ballot link is sent via email upon request.
  • Voters complete their ballot using their preferred accessibility technology.
  • The completed ballot is encrypted and securely transmitted to the Elections Office.
  • The Elections Team decrypts, prints, and counts the ballot alongside all other by-mail ballots.

Why Voters May Prefer This Option:

  • Works with most accessibility technology.
  • Allows voting from any location with internet access.
  • No signature is required.
  • Ballots are sent at least 21 days before the election, providing ample time to review and return them.

To request a remote accessible ballot or discuss additional accommodations, please contact our office.