Vendor Guide
The vendor guide is provided to assist suppliers in how to do business with Salt Lake County, how to view current solicitations, sign up to receive notifications of solicitations and use the county’s online bidding system.
The vendor guide is provided to assist suppliers in how to do business with Salt Lake County, how to view current solicitations, sign up to receive notifications of solicitations and use the county’s online bidding system.
The Contracts and Procurement Division's normal office hours are 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, with the exception of legal holidays.
The Contract and Procurement Division promotes and encourages fair and open competition for all vendors. The Contracts and Procurement Division in conjunction with the user departments, strives to design specifications for compatibility with Standard Trade Practices and the County Ordinance.
Federal and State Law protects each individual against discrimination by reason of race, sex, religion, physical handicap, color, national origin or ancestry. Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. For assistance, please contact 385-468-0584.
The Purchasing Agent acts as the sole agent of the County in contracting for labor, material, service, or for the purchase, lease, or sale of personal property, materials, equipment, or supplies, in conformity with the provisions of Chapters 3.16 through 3.36 provided, however, that all contracts and purchase orders must be submitted to the mayor for approval and ratification as required by state statute except as provided in Section 3.16.110.
No unauthorized solicitation is allowed in the Government Center. Special authorization to solicit may be given by the Mayor in certain circumstances (e.g., the charitable contribution campaign). Anyone soliciting without Mayor authority within the Government Center will be reported to the building security officers.
A current bid list is available to view on our Current Bids Page. This list indicates a description of the commodity, bid opening date, bid number and buyer. Specifications may be obtained from U3P/SciQuest. Invitations to bid are distributed through our online bid solicitation system (U3P/SciQuest). There is no fee charged to the vendor for registration on the online bid solicitation system. By registering with the online bid solicitation system, the vendor certifies compliance with State and County regulations for a business license, sales tax number and non-discrimination requirements.
Under the direction and approval of the Contracts and Procurement Division, County agencies may purchase goods and services under $10,000. Agencies are encouraged to obtain multiple quotes. All County solicitations in excess of $10,000 are made by the Contracts and Procurement Division and shall be let in the open market by competitive bidding. All bids in excess of $5,000 must be in writing. All County purchase orders involving amounts in excess of $50,000, not on a contract, shall be reviewed by the District Attorney's Office.
Bids and proposals are opened through the Online Solicitation System, Utah Public Procurement Place (U3P/SciQuest). No decisions related to the award will be made at the opening. It is the bidder's sole responsibility to ensure that a bid or proposal is entered into the electronic solicitation system (U3P) prior to the time and date specified. Late bids or proposals will not be opened or accepted and will be reflected as late, regardless of the degree of lateness or the reason, including those causes beyond the control of the bidder.
Fax bids will not be accepted.
Salt Lake County has implemented environmentally responsible business practices.
Prices are firm for the duration of each bid and are FOB Salt Lake County's designated delivery point.
A purchase order number may be issued prior to the delivery of any goods or the performance of any services by a vendor, or the acceptance thereof by the County. An example of a valid purchase order number would be NP12100P or NP12100SM. The purchase order number must appear on all correspondence, delivery, receipts, invoices, statements, credit memos and debit memos. Salt Lake County may also make payment with a purchasing card. In this case a purchase order number as stated may not be required but the agency should indicate that the purchase will be paid for with the purchasing card.
The Contracts and Procurement Division Purchasing Policies and Procedures are available upon request. Please contact our office for information at 385-468-0300.
Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense to the County, and if not destroyed by test, may upon request made at the time the sample is furnished, be returned at the bidder's expense.
Vendors with products meeting or exceeding the requirements are invited to bid. Any manufacturers' brand names, trade names, catalog numbers, or "equals" used in the specifications are indicated for the purpose of establishing and describing general performance levels. Such references are not intended to be restrictive, and bids are invited on these and comparative brands or products of any manufacturer. Any other brands or models substantially equivalent to those named are considered for award, with the Purchasing Agent reserving the right to determine equivalency with recommendations from the using agency.
All submissions are evaluated by the Contracts and Procurement Division and by the user agency where specifications play a major role in determining performance levels. The award is made to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder providing a submission that results in the best value to Salt Lake County.
Salt Lake County is exempt from all Federal Excise and State Sales and Use Taxes and is not required to have a Utah State Sales Tax I.D. Number.