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Agendas & Minutes

The County Council meets every Tuesday, excluding weeks that may incorporate the observation of a holiday. We hope you can join us! 

During this meeting, the Council Members have the opportunity to meet with other County agencies and partners to discuss important items that need attention.

Each County Council meeting has a varied start time every week. Upcoming and historical County Council Meetings, start times, Webex links, dates, agendas, audio live-streams, recordings, and Minutes of each County Council meeting can be found at (link also found below). 

The Council will also broadcast live-streams of its meetings on Facebook Live, which may be accessed at 

Individuals wishing to comment electronically must access the meeting using the Webex link mentioned above by the beginning of the “Public Comment” portion of the meeting. If an individual is unable to attend the meeting, they may also email their comments to by 10:00 AM the day of the meeting to have those comments distributed to the Council and read into the record at the appropriate time.

The first time you join via the link may take longer to get through the set-up steps. Please plan accordingly. 

Please include "Resident" ahead of your first name when you join the meeting or you will not be identified as wanting to give comment.

This website has helpful tips for using Webex for Events:

On the rare occasion, there will be a formal “Council Meeting” session that takes place. This will occur in the Government Chambers, N1-100. This session is where ceremonial matters often occur. In the event of a formal Council Meeting session, this will be documented on the Council's published agenda prior to the meeting, as well as the start time. 

Meetings in addition to those listed may be held or canceled as circumstances may require, subject to applicable public notice requirements.

Please view our meeting agendas, minutes, and recordings by following the links below.



Agendas, Minutes, Audio Recordings

Every Tuesday at varied start times.

Prior to June 27, 2023, Council Work Session was a separate session from Council Meeting.

Scheduled for Tuesdays as necessary.

Prior to April 2021, Council Work Sessions were referred to as Committee of the Whole Meetings.