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Pretrial Services allows qualifying individuals to be released from jail while awaiting a court hearing. Utilizing the least restrictive conditions possible, Pretrial will:

  • Provide a non-financial release from jail and case management or tracking through case disposition.
  • Provide information about upcoming court dates
  • Utilize evidence-based assessments and tools to identify appropriate resources and create case plans to help reduce barriers to success. Assessments used include the Public Safety Assessment (PSA).


What to Expect

When released, clients will schedule an intake appointment to meet with a Pretrial Case Manager. During the intake, the case manager will gather needed information and help determine the best plan for pretrial success. Information gathered may include but is not limited to the following: education/employment history, mental health history, substance use history, etc. The case manager will also review any release requirements the client may have been given upon release.

Throughout supervision clients will attend appointments with their case manager and may also be assigned to attend and complete classes. Other requirements such as urinalysis testing may also be ordered by the Judge.

Frequently Asked Questions

On average you will be supervised for 90+ days. This length is determined by individual needs as well as court proceedings.


Your Pretrial case manager will notify the judge who may issue a warrant. It’s important to continue checking in with your case manager.


Your CJS case manager will make many attempts to reach you. Your release agreement will have your case managers contact information. Contact your case manager as soon as possible. If your case manager is unable to contact you, the Judge will be notified, and a warrant may be issued. 


You can seek private counsel, utilize free legal clinics or the court's self-help section, or an attorney may be appointed to you (if you qualify) when you attend court.

Your release agreement contains your assigned case managers information. If you no longer have their information, please call (385) 468-3500

Contact Criminal Justice Services

Phone Number (385) 468-3500

Mailing Address 2001 South State Street , Ste S3-650
Salt Lake City, Utah 84190

Hours Monday - Friday
8:00 - 5:00

  • Do not drink excessive amounts of fluid before providing a sample
  • Do not drink more than 32oz. of fluid before providing a sample
  • Do not consume performance-enhancing or diet supplements