Crisis hotlines & non-emergency lines for support and services. If you are in immediate danger please dial 9-1-1.
Crisis hotlines & non-emergency lines for support and services. If you are in immediate danger please dial 9-1-1.
Phone Number 911
Phone Number (801) 840-4000
Phone Number 988
Phone Number (801) 587-3000
Phone Number (385) 468-9898
Phone Number (385) 468-8400
Phone Number (801) 799-3000
Phone Number (385) 468-9920
Phone Number (385) 468-9488
Phone Number (385) 468-9350
Phone Number (385) 468-9620
Phone Number (801) 965-4518
Phone Number (801) 743-7200
Phone Number (801) 849-9441
Phone Number (385) 557-2800
Phone Number (801) 264-2780
Phone Number (801) 568-7100
Phone Number (801) 799-3473
Phone Number (801) 446-4357
Phone Number (801) 483-6043
Phone Number (801) 840-4000
Phone Number (801) 963-3336
Phone Number (385) 468-7387
Phone Number (801) 743-7045
Phone Number (385) 468-6600
Phone Number (385) 468-6101
Phone Number (385) 468-6370
If you are in crisis please call the 24-hour UNI crisis line at (801) 587-3000.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or are concerned about a loved one who may be having suicidal thoughts, please call the 24-hour Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or you can visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline website below. For more information regarding suicide and prevention, please visit the Utah Suicide Prevention website.
Phone Number (801) 587-3000
Phone Number (800) 273-8255
If you (or a loved one) need detox services and have insurance, you can go to any emergency room. You can call your insurance to see if detox services are covered. If you do not have insurance, you can call Volunteers of America's (VOA) Alcohol and Drug Detox Center at (801) 363-9400. VOA 's center is a 56-bed adult social model detoxification program. In this program, clients are assessed, screened for medical problems, participate in case management, and are referred to treatment. The center is located at 252 West Brooklyn Avenue (1025 South) Salt Lake City, UT 84101. You can also visit VOA's website for more information about their detox program. The facility is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, and the cost is based on a sliding fee scale.
VOA also has women specific groups, including 12 step meetings. Case management is available and clients can get a referral into a treatment program subsidized (when necessary and appropriated) by the county during their stay. There is a partnership with Christmas Box House for women with children under the age of 11 that need a safe place to be while their mother is detoxing. Please call the management team at the number listed above for more information (due to scheduling it may take a few days for this process to take place).
If you are in crisis please call the 24-hour UNI crisis line at (801) 587-3000.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or are concerned about a loved one who may be having suicidal thoughts, please call the 24-hour Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or you can visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline website at suicidepreventionlifeline.org. For more information regarding suicide and prevention, please visit utahsuicideprevention.org.
If you or a loved one are currently under the influence of substances, including taking more prescription medications than has been recommended, contact the Volunteers of America's Detox Center. You can also contact your medical provider or go to the nearest emergency room.
If you do not need detox, but are an adolescent in need of substance abuse treatment please see Youth Treatment Services.
Phone Number (801) 587-3000
Phone Number (800) 273-8255
If you or a loved one are currently under the influence of substances, including taking more prescription medications than has been recommended, please contact County Youth Services or the Volunteers of America's Detox Center.
If you are under 18 years of age and in need of substance abuse treatment please see Youth Treatment.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Contact David Christensen
Phone Number (385) 468-4610
Phone Number (800) 697-3811
Phone Number (855) 323-3237
Phone Number
(800) 897-5465
(801) 521-5544
Crisis intervention, message delivery service, & bus transportation home for runaway youth through age 21.
Phone Number (800) 786-2929
Phone Number (800) 222-1222
Phone Number (801) 467-7273
24-hour hotline for youth and parents
Phone Number (800) 786-2929
Phone Number (800) 383-3888
Cell phone App providing a 24 hour crisis and tip line offering counseling to youth on a variety of problems.
Phone Number (833) 372-3388
Offers food, water, clothing, blankets & help connecting to community resources.
Phone Number (801) 631-7584
Provides support and referrals to those needing social, medical and mental health services in the Salt Lake City Library.
Phone Number (801) 870-5489
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
or by appointment
Deliver mobile street outreach to homeless individuals and families in Rio Grande and Pioneer Park area.
Phone Number (801) 363-9414