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Adults 60 & Over

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels delivers hot, midday meals to homebound older adults for suggested donation. Eligibility criteria applies. Call 385-468-3200.

Senior Center Meals

Senior Center Meals serve café and cafeteria-style lunches to older adults at senior centers for a suggested donation. Find your nearest Senior Center for more information

Utah Food Bank Box Delivery Program

The Utah Food Bank Box Delivery Program provides free, monthly food assistance to homebound people with disabilities and seniors living in poverty, delivered to their home. Each food box contains about one week's worth of non-perishable food, plus as much fresh food as available.

Visit their website or call 801-887-1271

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

This program works to improve the health of senior citizens living in poverty who are at least 60 years of age. The USDA ships nutritious foods to Utah Food Bank, including canned fruits, vegetables, cereal, cheese, and more. CSFP boxes are delivered by volunteers and Utah Food Bank staff to individual residences and senior housing sites or picked up at local pantries. For more information, see the Utah Food Bank CSFP page.

Senior Center Farmers Markets

Senior Center Farmers Markets offer free and low-cost produce to older adults at various senior centers. Contact the Senior Center nearest to you for more information.