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Food Safety Manager

At least one full-time certified food safety manager must be employed at every* food service establishment and mobile food unit in Salt Lake County.

When replacing a departing certified food safety manager, the establishment has sixty (60) days to employ a new certified food safety manager.

Certification is valid for three (3) years from the date of issue, unless revoked or suspended by the Salt Lake County Health Department.

*The following establishment types do not require a certified food safety manager:

  • Risk level one (1) establishments
  • Child care facilities
  • Health care facilities
A person putting food on a grill.

Food Safety Manager Certification

The State of Utah determines whether a training course is approved in the state. Courses are generally eight (8) hours.

To qualify as a certified food safety manager:

  • Complete an approved training course (list from the Utah Department of Health and Human Services)
  • Pass the course exam
  • Register with Salt Lake County Health Department as a certified food safety manager by completing the Registration Form.