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Former Employees & Retirees

Former Employees & Retiree Resources

COBRA coverage is offered to employees who leave the County because of voluntary resignation, retirement, or termination from the plan (due to divorce, age, or death of an employee). For more information about COBRA rates, coverage, or how to enroll, contact HR Benefits.

Salt Lake County employees who are retiring or voluntarily ending their employment will be invited by Human Resources, via e-mail to participate in an exit interview.

To request copies of your personnel file contact HR Operations.


  • Current County Employees - Free
  • Former Employees - First half hour of work is free and then $25.00/hour and 25 cents per copy. This must be paid prior to pick up of documents.
  • This must be picked up in person.

To change your address on file with HR

  • Current employees, update in PeopleSoft Self Service
  • Former employees, email HR Operations with the following information
  • last 4 of social security number, or your employee ID
  • current address on file
  • new address

Human Resources

Mailing Address 2001 S State St , Ste N4-700
PO Box 144575
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

There are several decisions to be made before you turn age 65, and Medicare is one of them. The Benefits Team is unable to give you advice about Medicare eligibility or coverage, but here are several resources.