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Data Governance

We consider County data as a strategic asset and coordinate data governance efforts. We are working to ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to establish a culture of operational excellence that recognizes and supports institutional data as an asset of the County.


Data Governance Value Propositions

Salt Lake County Data Governance Working Group has identified six (6) value propositions to guide the County's data governance efforts. Here the Data Governance value propositions:

Data and content of all types are assets with all the characteristics of any other asset. Therefore, they should be managed, secured, and accounted for as other material or financial assets.

Value Proposition: Advancing the understanding of data as a strategic asset will allow the implementation of and adherence to effective data governance policies and processes

A detailed and comprehensive data inventory that makes data appropriately discoverable.

Value Proposition: Knowing what information is available and how it can be related allows for new insights, knowledge, and wisdom.

Data Security means protecting digital data from unauthorized access and unwanted actions.

Value Proposition: Knowing what data is restricted or protected allows implementation of proper security measures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the data.

Data integrity is the overall accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness, and consistency of data and metadata.

Value Proposition: Maintaining data integrity allows users to trust data and generate reliable insights. Strong data integrity guidelines support validity, stability, searchability, and recoverability.

Data access is the on-demand, authorized ability to retrieve, modify, copy, or move data from IT systems based on organizational roles or responsibilities. Data sharing means sending data, receiving data, or both to advance shared objectives according to certain terms & conditions.

Value Proposition: Proper data access and ability to share with internal and external partners allows County agencies to leverage the power of data to advance greater public good.

The risk in information means there is a financial liability inherent in all data or content that is based on regulatory and ethical misuse or mismanagement.

Value Proposition: Recognizing risks and liability associated with data will promote appropriate measures for data collection, retention, disposal, and security to protect the County from litigation and malicious ransomware attacks.