The proposal will be evaluated, scored, and ranked by a Selection Committee. Each member of the committee will be provided a score sheet to complete the proposal evaluation utilizing the point system listed below. Committee members will individually score the proposals and rank them 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. according to their total score. Each criteria will be scored.
- Excellent (5): If the proposal offer exceeds expectations, with an excellent probability of success in achieving all requirements of the RFP, and is very innovative; a score of “5” is given.
- Good (4): If the proposal offers a very good probability of success, achieves all requirements of the RFP in a reasonable fashion; a score of “4” is given.
- Acceptable (3): If the proposal offers a reasonable probability of success, but some of the requirements may not be met; a score of “3” is given.
- Poor (1-2): If the proposal falls short of expectations and has a low probability of success; a score of “1-2” is given.
- Unacceptable: If the approach completely fails the requirements; a score of “0” is given.
20% Firm's Qualifications and Team:
Provide a brief description of your organization, the scope and nature of services routinely provided and the names (with some explanation of their education and experience) of who would be supervising the AmeriCorps members.
25% Relevant Experience:
Provide relevant experience you have had with hosting and supervising AmeriCorps members within your organization and the type of activities these individuals performed while serving in your organization. Provide a name and phone number of who could be contacted to verify this experience. If you have not had previous experience in hosting AmeriCorps members, please indicate any other relevant experience you may have had or currently have in the supervision and development of position duties for temporary employees, interns, fellowships, volunteers, etc.
25% Proposed Approach:
Describe how your organizations will identify and define the type of work an AmeriCorps member will perform. Specifically describe how your organization will serve the homeless or formerly homeless (which could include refugees) with AmeriCorps. Please indicate the number of AmeriCorps members full or part time you are requesting to be placed in your organization. Describe what resources you will utilize to support member recruitment.
20% Project Schedule/Outcomes:
Indicate the type of activities your AmeriCorps member(s) would provide that will be reported on a quarterly basis. See Exhibit 5, quarterly Progress Report for the activities that need to be reported. Pay particular attention to the categories of employment and housing. Indicate the number of unduplicated individuals your organization would provide job placement and housing placement services and the number of unduplicated individuals your organizations would be placed in jobs and in housing. Indicate the source (verification) documentation you will use to identify the number of individuals that receive a job and housing placement services and the number of individuals who will be placed in employment and into housing.
10% Proposed Contribution:
Indicate how many AmeriCorps members you’re requesting and if they will be full or part-time. Indicate what funds will be used to pay site fee for each AmeriCorps member requested and provide assurances that you will pay the match if a member leaves before their term of service is complete even if they cannot be replaced.