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Mount Olympus Trailhead Plan

The Mount Olympus Trailhead is a popular and well-used trailhead located on the east bench at approximately 5425 S. Wasatch Blvd. It is a significant state-wide destination that provides parking and access to the Mount Olympus Trail, which ties into the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, and also provides parking and access for rock climbing at Pete’s Rock. The site is one of only a few access points to wilderness area that is right at the urban interface.

In order to improve user experience and safety, trailhead improvements will be made to double the available parking spaces, install a vault toilet, increase visibility, and allow for easier access to/from Wasatch Blvd.


A high angle view of a road.

Trailhead Funding

The project is made possible through TRCC funding and a grant from the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation.

Project Timeline

Design and planning process

Construction begins

Anticipated completion