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Countywide Policies

Policy List

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List of Countywide Policies
Number Title Date
1014 Creation and Use of County Logos and Branding Sep 17, 2013
0002 Policy Enactment, Maintenance, and Implementation Feb 06, 2024
0003 Security of County Facilities Aug 07, 2018
1003 Visual Art Acquisition Dec 11, 2018
1004 Art Deaccessioning Dec 11, 2018
1006 Donation of Property or Funds to Salt Lake County May 22, 2018
1010 Energy Savings Dec 20, 2000
1011 Accident Reporting Procedures Jul 15, 2008
1012 Special Events Jun 23, 2009
1013 Standards for Geographic Information System Jul 02, 2019
1015 Clothing Allowances Jun 15, 2010
1016 Review Committee May 03, 2011
1019 Travel - Authorization and Payment of Travel Related Expenses Jul 12, 2017
1020 County Meals Jan 07, 2020
1021 Vendor-paid Expenses for Employee Travel May 08, 2001
1023 Processing Education and Training Expenditures Jul 15, 2008
1029 Trip Reduction/Vanpool Policy May 22, 2018
1030 Electronic Communications Coordination Board Mar 25, 2003
1031 County Option Funding for Zoological, Cultural and Botanical Organizations Known as the Zoo, Arts and Parks Program (ZAP) Mar 07, 2023
1035-A County Provided Cell Phone Agreement Form Oct 16, 2016
1035 Employee Use of Cellular Phones Oct 16, 2016
1037 Electronic Meetings Jan 24, 2023
1040 Scheduling and Use of the Public Meeting Rooms in the Salt Lake County Government Center Aug 07, 2007
1043 Rental of Salt Lake County Government Center Space Dec 20, 2000
1044 Employee Parking at the Government Center Dec 20, 2000
1045 Salt Lake County Government Employee Fitness Center Jul 14, 2009
1050 Interim Budget Adjustments Sep 11, 2018
1060 Financial Goals and Policies Jan 25, 2022
1062 Management of Public Funds Oct 29, 2018
1100 Surplus Property Disposition/Transfer/Internal Sep 11, 2019
1102 Capital Project Planning Approval and Administration Dec 04, 2018
1120 Workplace Safety and Safety Program Management Oct 17, 2006
1125 Safeguarding Property/Assets Jul 15, 2008
1150 Environmental Assessment Dec 20, 2000
1155 Community Development Areas Dec 17, 2019
1200 Contributions, In-Kind Assistance and Fee Waivers Apr 23, 2024
1202 Authorization and Processing of Certain Payments Jan 27, 2009
1203 Petty Cash and Other Imprest Funds Nov 02, 2010
1205 Fee Refunds Dec 20, 2000
1210 Refund of Payments Made Through Debit or Credit Cards Sep 16, 2003
1215 Electronic Funds Transfer Disbursements Sep 16, 2003
1220 Management of Accounts Receivable and Bad Debt Collection Dec 12, 2006
1300 County Auditor Hotline Oct 11, 2022
1301 Acceptance of Checks Sep 13, 2011
1302 Official Flags On County Facilities And Property May 25, 2021
1303 Smoking in County Facilities Mar 08, 2022
1304 Discovery and Reporting of Wrongdoing or Criminal Activity Dec 15, 2009
1305 Processing of Contested Payments (Claims) Sep 18, 2012
1306 Collection of Bad Checks Dec 11, 2007
1315 Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Procedure Dec 09, 2014
1316 Reasonable Modifications, Auxiliary Aids and Services for Persons with Disabilities Under Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Dec 09, 2014
1350 Vehicle Policy Dec 12, 2023
1360 Vehicle Engine Idling Oct 28, 2008
1400-0 Information Technology Standards - Link Jun 07, 2022
1400-1 Information Technology Security: Acceptable Use Policy Mar 07, 2023
1400-4 Information Technology Security - Incident Reporting Sep 14, 2010
1400-6.1 Information Technology Security: Social Media Management Jul 20, 2021
1400-6.2 Information Technology Security: Social Media Terms of Use Jul 20, 2021
1400-6 Information Technology Security: Social Media Use Mar 07, 2023
1400-7 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Policy Aug 04, 2020
1400-8 Litigation Holds, Preservation of Potential Evidence, and Reporting of Potential Litigation Mar 11, 2014
1400 Information Technology Policy and Standards May 04, 2021
1405 Receiving and Processing a Notice of Claim Sep 17, 2019
1430 Professional Ethics and Conflict of Interest Aug 10, 2010
1440-5 Information Technology Security - Mobile Device Protection Sep 14, 2011
1440 Employee Relations Jun 08, 2010
1450 Charitable Solicitation of County Employees May 22, 2018
1500 HIPAA Compliance and Privacy Requirements Jul 30, 2013
1510 HIPAA Security Requirements Jul 30, 2013
1515 HIPAA Breach Notification Requirements Sep 10, 2013
1600 Complete Streets Apr 10, 2010
1700 Public Infrastructure District Application & Review Requirements Oct 13, 2020
2010 Public Records Access - GRAMA Jul 23, 2024
2020 Records & Information Management Sep 13, 2022
2021-1 Classification and Retention Scheduling Jul 23, 2024
2021-2 Transferring, Storing, and Retrieving Records at the Records Center Jul 23, 2024
2021-3 Transferring and Storing Records at the Archives Jul 23, 2024
2021-4 Disposal of Records Jul 23, 2024
2021 Records Management and Archives Policy and Standards Jul 23, 2024
3001 Tax Administration Aug 21, 2001
3005 Erroneous and Illegal Assessments Aug 21, 2001
3010 Tax Compliance Policies for Tax-Exempt Governmental Bonds and Build America Bonds Sep 21, 2010
4-600 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Jan 30, 2024
4001 Volunteer Services Advisory Board Apr 18, 2006
4002 Volunteer Programs, Benefits & Requirements Jul 18, 2008
4003 Volunteer Services, Reporting and Recognizing Aug 29, 2006
4004 Advisory Boards Aug 29, 2006
4005 Volunteer Recruitment and Guidelines Jul 15, 2008
4007 Volunteer Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity in Jul 15, 2008
6010 County Building(s) Lockdown/Lockout Procedures Mar 14, 2006
7010 Procurement Aug 07, 2018
7020 State Contracts and Cooperative Agreements Jun 03, 2014
7021 Small Cost Purchasing Procedures Sep 06, 2019
7030 Request for Proposals (RFP) Aug 07, 2018
7035 Purchasing Cards Authorization and Use Feb 02, 2022
7036 Charge Cards/Proprietary Feb 09, 2010
7037 County Funding of Public Safety Services in Recreational Areas Oct 10, 2023

Last updated: May 8, 2024