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Glossary & Interface Guide


Glossary of Terms

  • BoE - Board of Equalization
  • CRE - Charitable, Religious, & Exempt Organizations
  • Exemption - A percentage from 0-100 of the taxes that would normally be paid by an organization, which it does not have to pay for the tax year for which it is granted. 
  • Portal / User Portal - The new Salt Lake County Public User Portal 
  • Schedule - the type of property claimed on an application
    • Schedule A - Real Property 
    • Schedule B - Personal Property 
    • Schedule C - Motor Vehicles 
  • Organization - a nonprofit entity within the CRE process 
  • User - Individual or organizational user account for the Portal


Application Module

From the Dashboard, any application showing a pencil icon in the Status bar is able to be edited. Any application with a box with upward arrow may only be viewed or printed / downloaded. 


Opening a new or active application by clicking the pencil icon will allow you to fill in and edit all of the necessary information for your property. The application module allows you to edit and add information, add property details, and upload documentation.

The application module has the following areas: 

1. Application Section - This area allows navigation  between the various sections of your application as you are adding information and documentation. The sections are as follows: 

  • Organization - View your organization information. This section is not directly editable. To change your organization information, please email or call the Tax Exemption contact listed on each page of the User Guide.
  • Claim Purpose - The Claim Purpose must be filled in for each application before you can continue filling in the other sections.  The Constitutional Basis checkbox and the purpose narrative text must be filled in. Once you have completed these two areas, the Save button will be active. You must Save your claim purpose before continuing. 
  • Documentation - Each claim requires specific types of documentation to be uploaded. Each piece of documentation must be associated with the correct letter designation upon uploading.  Not all letters are used for every claim. Contact the Tax Exemption analyst for more information about your specific application.
  • Property Type - This icon and section name will change based on which application type you are submitting. For Schedule A it will be a House icon and say "Real Property". For Schedule B it will show a garage and say "Personal Property". For Schedule C it w ill show a car and say "Motor Vehicle". 
  • Submit Application - When you have completed all the sections, this section will allow you to certify your application and submit it for review. 

2. Application Editing - Each section has various information that must be filled in. All of the application editing takes place in this area. 

3. Expand / Collapse & Print / Download - The slider icon to the left will expand or collapse all of the application editing sections so that you can double check your information, or simply make it easier to find and edit your information.  The Print icon on the right will pop up your entire application in a print window. You may print the application to a traditional printer, or "Print" to PDF to save or review your document. 

4. Return to Dashboard - The Tax Exemption Applications link in the breadcrumb navigation will allow you to quickly return to your main Dashboard at any time. Be sure that any sections you were editing have been saved before you click this link, or in-progress work will be lost. 


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Application Status Terms

The following table shows possible application status messages and the explanation of each. 

Application Status Message Purpose Action Required
New App in Progress Occurs when user started an application but hasn't been completed and submitted yet Yes - Application needs to be completed and submitted
New App Submitted By User Notifies user that the application has been successfully submitted No - application was submitted successfully
New App under County Review Indicates a waiting period while the application is being reviewed by Auditor and District Attorney No - Application is being processed by SL County
New App Need Further Info Auditor requested additional information from User Yes - User expected to reply to SL County request
New App Need Further Info DA District Attorney's office requested additional information from User Yes - User expected to reply to SL County request
New App Review Completed Notifies user that the application review process is completed Yes - review application's approval details
Renewal In Progress Occurs when user started an application but hasn't been completed and submitted yet Yes - Application
Renew Notice Sent Notifies user that the application for renewal has been successfully submitted No - application was submitted successfully
Renew Responded without Changes Indicates that a Renew application was submitted without Changes from previous year No - Application is being processed by SL County
Renew Responded with Changes Indicates that a Renew application was submitted with Changes from previous year No - Application is being processed by SL County
Renew Under County Review Indicates a waiting period while the application is being reviewed by Auditor and District Attorney No - Application is being processed by SL County
New App Need Further Info SL County could ask users for additional information to continue the review process Yes - User expected to reply to SL County request
Renewal Need Further Info DA District Attorney's office requested additional information from User Yes - User expected to reply to SL County request
Renew App Review Completed Notifies user that the application review process is completed Yes - Review application's approval details