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Mountainous Planning District

The Mountainous Planning District and Commission were created in 2015. The commission is made up of residents from across the region to recommend policies to preserve the mountain environment, enhance the quality of living and experience, and manage uses in the mountains.

The purpose of the Mountainous Planning Commission is to consider the Central Wasatch as a regional resource, with long-range planning conducted by a body with broad representation from people throughout the valley, although membership is concentrated in geographic areas that have a “nexus” to the Mountainous Planning District.


Public Meeting Agendas

Mountainous Planning District Planning Commissioners


Represented Seat: West of I-15

Mackenzie Sorenson

Commission Chair


Represented Seat: Sandy City

Burke Staker

Commission Vice Chair


Represented Seat: Alta, Brighton, or Mountainous Planning District

Don Despain


Represented Seat: Unincorporated or Incorporated

James Palmer


Represented Seat: Unincorporated or Incorporated

J. Daniel Schoenfeld


Represented Seat: Millcreek

John Knoblock


Represented Seat: Cottonwood Heights

Nicole Omer


Represented Seat: Salt Lake City

Sarah Reale


Represented Seat: Alta, Brighton, or Mountainous Planning District




Bonnie McCallister



Dallas Bullock

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The Mountainous Planning Commission and the County Planning Commission have authority over different geographic areas. Commissioners also have different geographic residency requirements. Otherwise, the two commissions are identical and are subject to the same process for the regulation of land use and appeal mechanisms.

Previously, the County Planning Commission had jurisdiction over areas in the Mountainous Planning District. With the community preservation election in 2016, the unincorporated portion of the County became much smaller when new metro townships and cities were created.

Concerns arose about the risk and potential annexation of canyon areas, which could lead to a patchwork approach to planning and land use regulation in this important area. The Mountainous Planning District was structured so that, even if a city annexed an area that falls within the District, the authority for land use planning and regulation for that area would stay with the District.

Little Cottonwood Canyon, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Mill Creek Canyon, and Parleys Canyon, excluding the Towns of Alta and Brighton.

The Mountainous Planning District is a unique area that serves as a significant recreation area and major watershed. Because of this, consideration should be given to the “regional impact” of these areas and planning.

Commissioners come from areas throughout Salt Lake Valley, with a focus on areas that are closest to the District or have water authority. Commissioners are required to be from these areas:

  • 2 Seats: Residents of the Mountainous Planning District. One must be held by a resident of Brighton.
  • 1 Seat: Held by a resident of each of these cities: Sandy, Cottonwood Heights, Millcreek, and Salt Lake City
  • 3 Seats & 2 Alternates: Applicants are appointed by the County Mayor and confirmed by the County Council