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Monument Data

Monument Data Maps

State Plane Coordinate Sheets are delineated by Township and Range showing least squares adjusted NAD 83 state plane coordinates. The maintenance of State Plane Coordinate Sheets was discontinued in 2000.

To access State Plane Coordinate Sheets, use the interactive map below to zoom into the area of interest with the plus/minus buttons or mouse wheel and then click on the township associated with the State Plane Coordinate you would like. A popup with relevant information will appear, including a link to the sheet(s). For multiple sheets per section, use the arrow button in the popup window to scroll through.

Hand Tie Books were created and used between 1943 and 1996. These books contain supporting information, sketches, and field notes regarding the status of survey monuments and their relationship to the corners of the Public Land Survey System.

To access Hand Tie Books, use the interactive map below to zoom into the area of interest with the plus/minus buttons or mouse wheel and then click on the section associated with the Handtie Book you would like. A popup with relevant information will appear, including a link to the sheet(s). For multiple sheets per section, use the arrow button in the popup window to scroll through.

Static Sheets (Gold Sheets) are GPS derived observation sheets, collected between 1994 and 2002. They contain surveillance data and monument rubbings delineated by Point Name, Section, Township, and Range.

To access Static Sheets, use the interactive map below to zoom into the area of interest with the plus/minus buttons or mouse wheel and then click on the point associated with the Static Sheet you would like. A popup with relevant information will appear, including a link to the sheet(s). For multiple sheets per point, use the arrow button in the popup window to scroll through.

A Public Land Survey corner, as defined by Utah Code 17-23-17.5, means a property corner, a property controlling corner, a public land survey corner, or any combination of these; and a monument means an accessory that is presumed to occupy the exact position of the corner.

Any land surveyor making a boundary survey and utilizing a corner shall, within 90 days, complete, sign, and file with the Salt Lake County Surveyor, a written record to be known as a corner file for every public land survey corner and accessory to the corner which is used as control in any survey by the surveyor, unless the corner and it's accessories are already a matter of record in the county.

The Corner File is a public document, prepared and filed by the land surveyor who performed the boundary survey. The County Surveyor will not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the filed document. However, the County Surveyor will review the document, and if validated, perpetuate the position of the corner in its survey control database.