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File a Record of Survey Online

The Salt Lake County Surveyor’s Office is pleased to introduce the option of filing Records of Survey (ROS) electronically.

To ensure payment security, the County Surveyor has partnered with a third party electronic payment provider, Official Payments Corporation (OPC). The user will make an online payment with a Credit/Debit card or by Electronic check for the total amount of the ROS(s) listed on the E-Filing form. For additional information regarding electronic transactions, refer to Utah State Code 46-4.


Step 1. Complete "E-Filing Form.PDF"

  • Enter all required information denoted by asterisks, except for Official Payment Corp (OPC) Payment Confirmation Number, which will be entered later.
  • Individually, insert your Client Name, Project or Reference Number followed by the extension A-J, and quantity of sheets for each ROS filed. Maximum 10 surveys allowed per E-Filing form.
  • Determine number of sheets (not surveys) and calculate payment total ($40 X number of sheets) of the ROS submitted with the E-Filing form.
  • Process OPC Payment
  • Payment in the correct amount is required before acceptance of the ROS(s) for filing.
  • Pay by Credit/Debit card or Electronic check, on the OPC payment website.
    (E-Filing Form)

Step 2. OPC Payment Process.

  • Enter payment amount
  • Accept Terms and Conditions
  • Enter payer and payment Information
  • Confirm information is correct.
  • Print or save Confirmation Number.
    • OPC Confirmation Number will be entered on the appropriate line of the E-Filing Form.
  • Click Exit.

Step 3. Prepare a PDF for each Record of Survey submitted

  • Save the ROS as a .PDF using the following standards
    • Finished size = 24 x 36
    • Black & White Color Mode
    • 200 DPI Minimum Resolution
    • Include seal and signature
    • Multiple sheets of one ROS may be combined into one PDF.
  • Name the ROS.PDF File
    • File name for the ROS PDF file and AutoCAD drawing will be the same.
    • Save the ROS PDF as: xxxxxxxxxxx_ROS_X.PDF
    • Enter your Project Reference_ROS_corresponding alpha character A- J.PDF of that survey from the E-Filing form (Example: 20100002_ROS_A.PDF)

Step 4. Prepare an AutoCAD drawing of only your survey boundary and applicable survey control for each Record of Survey submitted

  • Save the AutoCAD drawing as a .DWG, using the following requirements
    • Boundary line on Layer BNDRY
    • Monuments on Layer MON
    • Section, ¼ section OR Monument line on Layer CONTROL
  • Name the ROS AutoCAD.DWG drawing
    • File name for the ROS PDF and AutoCAD drawing will be the same.
    • Save the drawing as: xxxxxxxxxxx_ROS_X.DWG
    • Enter your Project Reference_ROS_corresponding alpha      character A- J.DWG of that survey from the E-Filing form
      (Example: 20100002_ROS_A.DWG

Step 5. Complete “E-Filing Form.PDF”

  • Enter the OPC Payment Confirmation Number in the space provided on the E-Filing form.
    • Use the Confirmation Number found on the OPC payment receipt.
  • Save the form, using the Confirmation Number as part of the file name, ######_Form.PDF
    • Example: 123456_Form.PDF).
  • The completed E-Filing form links the OPC payment to the Record(s) of Survey submitted referenced on the form.
  • Maximum submission per payment is 10 Records(s) of Survey.

Step 6. Email E-Filing form, ROS(s), and Drawing(s)

  • Draft an email to
  • Enter "Record of Survey" on the SUBJECT line
  • Attach completed E-Filing Form
  • Attach all Records of Survey files (PDF format)
  • Attach all AutoCAD drawings (DWG format)
    • File size will limit the quantity of ROS(s) sheets that may be emailed at one time.
    • Write a note in body of each email if supplemental emails will be transmitted to complete the E-Filing submission.
    • Attach the E-Filing Form to all supplemental emails.
  • Send email to