Survey field data reflecting measured angles between Section Corners, street monuments, and/or survey control points. The maintenance of Angle / Horizontal Direction Sheets was discontinued in 1993. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Plats delineated by Section, Township, and Range which contain historical information pertaining to section line bearings and distances, monuments, subdivisions, and street dedications. The maintenance of ARP’s was discontinued in 2005.
Any land surveyor making a boundary survey and utilizing a corner shall, within 90 days, complete, sign, and file with the county surveyor, a written record to be known as a corner file for every public land survey corner and accessory to the corner which is used, unless the corner and its accessories is already a matter of record in the county. Get a Corner Report/File
Survey field data reflecting measured distances between Section Corners, street monuments, or survey control points. The maintenance of Distance Observation Sheets was discontinued in 1993. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
County Surveyor generated field notes collected between 1920 and 1996. Information is delineated by township, range, section and the type of survey. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
County Surveyor generated field notes collected between 1920 and 1996. Information is delineated by township, range, section and the type of survey. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Field survey data collected between 1943 and 1996 which contain drawings and supporting field notes, showing the relationship of public survey corners and witness objects.
Scanned images of recorded and some unrecorded subdivision plats in Salt Lake County. Plats may be researched by township, range, section, date, or subdivision name. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Vertical datum collected and processed by the County Surveyor. Information includes level-run networks, points observed, and closure errors. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Digital images depicting the five and ten acre plats of the Big Field Survey. Information may be queried by township, range, block number, or date.
Scanned images of mineral and mining survey plats and their supporting field notes between 1890 and 1960. Plats and notes are delineated by name, number, district, township, range, and date. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Graphic information about the physical relationship and measured distance between public survey corners and witness objects. The maintenance of Monument Reference / History Sheets was discontinued in 2004. Get a Monument Reference/History Sheet. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Plats delineated by Section, Township, and Range which contain historical and current information pertaining to section line bearings and distances, monuments, street centerline, and subdivisions. Information on the plat has been scaled and rotated to a common datum. Please contact us for documents, these are not available online.
Public survey monument data sheet showing location, coordinates, elevations, status, description, and supporting digital images of individual monuments.
Permitting process, established by state law, to protect and preserve the integrity of public survey monuments and thus maintain property boundaries and rights of way lines. Prior to disturbing, damaging, removing, moving or covering any public survey monument, a monument preservation permit must be issued by the County Surveyor.