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Find Excess Funds

When a delinquent property is sold for more than the amount of property tax owed on it, the excess amount is given to the original owner.

After five years of unpaid taxes on a property, the Auditor holds what is called the May Tax Sale. These delinquent properties are sold so the various providers of taxpayer services (i.e. school, city services, water, etc.) can be reimbursed for their operating expenses. Buyers at the sale are required to bid on these properties and sometimes they sell for more than the amount of property tax owed. This excess amount is then returned to the original property owner. If the original owner cannot be contacted within 90 days of the tax sale,  then the excess funds are sent to the Utah State Treasurer Unclaimed Property Division.


Excess Funds by Years

Parcel Number Type Owners Name Excess $
14-16-103-001-0000 Strip Autonomy Inc. $1,024.74
16-07-357-020-0000 Vacant Autonomy Inc. $2,874.48
16-29-427-046-0000 Vacant Wagner Biomedical Inc $2,294.98
19-25-400-014-1001 Vacant Autonomy Inc. $9,689.98
20-14-302-042-0000 Strip Autonomy Inc. $2.76
21-05-430-021-0000 Vacant McGhie Land Title Co Trust $23.49
21-10-477-001-0000 Strip Wagner Biomedical Inc $6,862.09
21-16-101-066-0000 Vacant Salt Lake Development Corp $32.16
22-22-152-003-0000 Vacant Jared Anderson & David Jentsch Tc $62,769.87
22-28-176-034-1004 Vacant Autonomy Inc. $6,337.67
24-25-400-001-0000 Vacant Talisker Land Holdings $834.04
33-13-226-002-0000 Street Academy Construction Lending LC $2,656.36
Total     $95,608.30

Parcel Number Type Owners Name Excess $
10-27-126-038-0000 Vacant Charlotte Axland $41,087.75
33-13-102-031-0000 Strip Ashlee & Benjamin Williams $303.17
10-33-303-005-0000 Strip American Telephone & Telegraph Co. $984.12
33-12-300-094-0000 Vacant DA1 Development Inc $154,607.68
Total     $196,982.72

Parcel Number Type Owners Name Excess $
22-32-252-019-0000 Right of Way Elmer B Smart et al $1.00
22-32-251-020-0000 Right of Way Elmer B Smart et al $17.92
22-32-251-021-0000 Right of Way Elmer B & Marian H Smart et al $735.56
27-29-376-016-0000 Strip CML - UT Riverton LLC $7.38
14-36-408-039-0000 Strip Beatriz & Jonathan Laguna $31.59
32-21-100-038-0000 Strip Dwayne & Aimee Horsley TC $1446.13
92-85-651-000-4021 Mining Alan T Parsons $20.00
92-60-658-000-4007 Mining Tamara Parson & Others $200.00
92-85-458-000-4021 Mining Lamar Coon $20.00
20-14-303-021-0000 Strip April Perry $2994.70
17-22-131-004-0000 Vacant Darlene Newberger $40,941.82
15-23-178-006-0000 Vacant Robert S & D Colene Warren $837.54
15-23-178-010-0000 Vacant Robert S & D Colene Warren $378.38
27-35-200-010-0000 Vacant KAP Properties LTD $18,367.01
26-08-353-002-0000 Vacant Joe M Borich, Devona B Wilkinson $9,076.69
27-29-376-015-0000 Strip CML - UT Riverton LLC $9,100.98
Total     $84,176.70

Total     257,929.86
Parcel # Type Owner Excess $
07-31-200-002 Environmental Gilroy Family Limited 700.21
10-22-279-002 Vacant Pociecha Investment 4,389.53
10-33-228-007 Vacant Jann D Williams 64,706.60
10-33-228-008 Vacant Eugeni Zoudilov 29,639.12
15-15-254-002 Strip Lamar Walton Coon & Shirley Evans Trust 700.94
15-23-178-005 Strip Lamar W & Shirley E Coon Trust 100.36
15-23-178-008 Strip Lamar W & Shirley E Coon Trust 449.75
15-24-483-015 Strip Thomas H & Amina M Simons TC 600.66
16-06-453-030 Strip Grant Welsh 2,815.81
21-10-179-046 Strip Karen Wagstaff 100.64
21-31-100-003 Strip Ivan Augustin 19,826.57
22-19-453-019 Strip Bessie Olson 200.35
22-19-476-012 Strip Bessie Olson 329.58
22-27-151-029 Strip Lamar W & Shirley E Coon Trust 800.47
26-08-353-016 Strip Lamar W & Shirley E Coon Trust 612.79
27-17-301-086 Vacant Ostler Management LLC & Marketone 127,670.21
34-07-201-010 Strip Symphony Development Corp 4,286.27

Tax Sale Cancelled due to Covid.

Parcel # Type Owner Excess $
Total     $74,791.13
24-32-400-007-5001 PS 104 & PS 105  Mining Claim  Crescent Silver Mining Company  $5,331.16 
16-26-351-053 PS 102 Strip Harold & Joyce B Fox  $675.57 
22-29-478-011 Strip Donald B & Bonnie J Kaufer Trust  $8.56 
27-07-126-003 Strip  Donald B & Bonnie J Kaufer Trust $1,391.84 
27-34-351-017  Strip  Donald B & Bonnie J Kaufer Trust $84.61 
27-32-400-059  Vacant DCD Investments LLC % David Delahunty  $169.42 
08-36-305-010 Vacant  Robert E & Lucinda Sampson  $67,129.97