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Blind Relief


  • Obtain an exemption of up to $11,500 of the assessed value of your real and tangible personal property.

Eligibility Requirements

  • You must be a U.S. citizen or a qualified alien as defined in 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1641.
  • The first time applicants must include an ophthalmologist's statement verifying corrected visual acuity of no more than 20/200 in the better eye or a restricted field of vision of no greater than 20 degrees in the better eye.
  • You must file an application with the Salt Lake County Treasurer on or before September 2, unless filing deadline is extended.

Application Requirements for The Blind Exemption:

  • Ophthalmologist's statement certifying the qualifying applicant: has no more than 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye when corrected; or has, in the case of better than 20/200 central vision, a restriction of the field of vision in the better eye which subtends an angle of vision no greater than 20 degrees.
  • If you are a qualified alien as defined in § U.S.C., Section 1641 and lawfully present in the United States, please provide your Alien Registration Number and copies of your immigration documents.