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A Word About Weeds

There are a number of aggressive weeds that have invaded the landscapes of Salt Lake County. Most are non-native plant species that were originally planted for ornamental or agricultural uses. As these plants naturalize into local ecosystems, their seeds move up and down stream corridors carried by water, wind, and wildlife. With a lack of native controls (insects, disease, etc.), the most successful invasive weeds will ultimately displace native plants to become the dominant vegetation. This has serious impacts on ecosystem health by decreasing biodiversity and ultimately contributing to increased erosion potential.

Invasive & Noxious Weeds

Many invasives are listed as noxious weeds, a legal designation by federal, state, or county governments for plants that are considered injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, or property. Many of the worst invaders are listed as noxious, but not all. Regardless of their classification, please don’t plant or maintain invasive plants. Get to know their identifying features and eradicate them from your landscape!

Learn more about weed identification and control methods from the Salt Lake County Noxious Weed Program.

Invasive Plants to Avoid & Remove

A collage of photos of plants.

Listed Noxious Weeds

Latin Name Common Name State of Utah Salt Lake County
Cardaria draba Hoary cress, Whitetop Listed Listed
Carduus nutans Musk thistle Listed Listed
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Oxeye daisy Listed Listed
Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Listed Listed
Conium maculatum Poison Hemlock Listed Listed
Convolvulus spp. Field bindweed Listed Listed
Cynoglossum officinale Houndstongue Listed Listed
Euphorbia esula Leafy spurge Listed Listed
Hypericum perforatum St. Johnswort Listed Listed
Isatis tinctoria Dyer's woad Listed Listed
Lepidium latifolium Perennial pepperweed, Tall whitetop Listed Listed
Linaria dalmatica Dalmation toadflax Listed Listed
Linaria vulgaris Yellow toadflax Listed Listed
Lythrum salicaria Purple loosestrife Listed Listed
Onopordum acanthium Scotch thistle Listed Listed
Potentilla recta Sulfur cinquefoil Listed Listed
Tamarix ramosissima Saltcedar, Tamarisk (Tree/Shrub) Listed Listed
Alliaria petiolata Garlic mustard - Listed
Euphorbia myrsinites Myrtle Spurget - Listed


Salt Lake County Stream Friendly Practices

There are many ways to protect stream health. Follow these stream friendly practices to protect water quality, improve native plant diversity, and prevent flood damage.