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Family Peer Support Specialists

Youth Services has a team of Family Peer Support Specialists (formally known as Family Resource Facilitators) whose mission is to help parents and/or primary caregivers with children experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges which are resulting in trouble at school, with the law and/or that put the child at risk of out of home placement. Family Peer Support Specialists act as family peer support for families and offer a unique perspective, having utilized the mental health system either themselves or for a family member. Services and support include information to access community resources and local support groups and are provided at no cost to the families.


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A Family Peer Support Specialist (FPSS) is a person who listens to your struggles and provides help, support, and guidance as you and your child/youth work toward independence in your life.

Family Peer Support Specialists work with parents and/or primary caregivers who have children ages 5 to 18, or ages 18 to 26 if the child/youth still lives at home and/or has not graduated from high school. The child/youth must be experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges which are resulting in trouble at school, with the law and/or that put the child/youth at risk of out of home placement.

A Family Peer Support Specialist can help you find and connect with needed resources, advocate for you and your child at school, in court, with mental health providers, etc. He/she will also help you and your child to identify and prioritize your goals and needs. All interactions are strength based, family driven, youth guided, and solution oriented.

Salt Lake County has a team of Family Peer Support Specialists working for the Youth Services. If you have any questions, please email:

Contact Family Peer Support Specialists

Youth Services

There is no cost associated with this program.

There is no set timeline for services.