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Milestone Transitional Living Program

Ending the cycle of homelessness and dependency by helping young adults become self-sufficient.

Download and submit the Milestone Referral Application to apply.


About Milestone

A house with a large front yard.

Our mission is to provide services for young adults 18-21 at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Our goals are to provide them with safe housing; to stabilize employment, build skills, to connect them with ongoing resources and support within the community; to help them become self-sufficient so that they can start their lives and make homelessness rare, brief, and non-reoccurring.

Our program offers referral services for housing assistance, supporting community connections, life skill workshops, job training skills and connections to higher education. The Milestone program is a substance free environment. Alcohol, tobacco, smoking (including e-cigarettes) are not allowed on the premises. Illegal drugs are prohibited. All participants in the Milestone Transitional Living Program are subject to random drug testing.


Participants are expected to meet monthly goals outlined in Milestone Agreements.

To be successful participants need to:

  • Complete “Milestones” by participating in activities and accomplishing goals
  • Participate in Milestone activities and stay in contact with their mentor
  • Demonstrate that they can pay program fees (program fees start at $200 a month for the first three months and fees will continue to increase by $50 every three months.
  • Follow the non-negotiable terms (no drugs or alcohol, no violence, no weapons or explosives, no pets, no overnight guests, no criminal activity, no violating the policies and agreements).
  • Follow the Respect Code and honor it. There will be consequences for not treating each other with respect, resolving disputes, and taking care of the day-to-day business of living with roommates.
  • Be responsible for their personal care, money management, safety, and cooperation with each other and your community supporters.
  • Become independent: get the skills, positive friendships, and income they will need to live on their own.

Funds paid for program fees will be saved for participant’s time of transition from the program. Any funds left in this savings plan will be paid to help with their moving on to independence.

Meet the Milestone Team

A man wearing glasses.

Milestone Program Manager

Kevin Rushforth

A woman smiling for the camera.


Shannon Elite

A man smiling in a chair.


Kelly Paluso

A man with curly hair.

Case Manager

Eli Curry

A woman wearing glasses.

Case Manager

Jessica Hall

A man with a beard.

House Manager

Cameron Thompson

A man with a beard.

House Manager

Lukas Stixrud

A woman smiling for the camera.

House Manager

Ashley Nadler

Contact Milestone Transitional Living Program

If you have questions you can submit an E-mail using the form below or call a Milestone Staff member.

Only these characters are allowed in the form: Numbers, Letters and ? . , ! ’ ' “ ” " ( ) % : #

These are NOT allowed: @ ^ * _ + = < > [ ] / \ |

URLs are NOT allowed in the form.

URLs are not allowed.

URLs are not allowed.

URLs are not allowed.

URLs are NOT allowed in the form


This website is supported by Grant Number 90CX7548-0100 from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family and Youth Services Bureau.