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YAB Onboarding

Welcome to the Youth Action Board! This page outlines the onboarding process for new Youth Action Board members.

New members will meet with the President and Vice President to review the information and trainings listed on this page. New members will be paid for the time it takes to complete the trainings (the trainings will take a maximum of 8 hours).

Salt Lake County Youth Services (YS) Youth Action Board (YAB) is a youth-driven Board, unified in preventing and ending youth homelessness. The YAB mission is to advocate, empower, and elevate youth voices within the Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness (SLVCEH) and Salt Lake County (SLCo), with an emphasis on bringing about change and creating avenues for partnership and collaboration. In support of its mission, the YAB's purpose is to provide youth perspective, voice, and expertise to Youth Services, SLVCEH, and the extended SLCo community.


Youth Action Board members advise SLCo Youth Services and community partners on matters relating to programs, policies, and provide input on how to better help and support the youth. Youth Action Board members possess the knowledge to make informed decisions specific to their life experiences.

Each member is to attend service projects, activities, and community development to their availability. In total, each member can only miss 2 (two) meetings, one excused and one unexcused per year. Mandatory participation is expected for Holiday Celebrations. Plan on committing 5 hours a month minimum, subject to change as needed. It is expected that each member is always participating to their full extent.

YAB President

Prepares agenda and facilitates Youth Action Board Meetings one time per month

Disseminates all pertinent information to voting members

Reviews and responds to all external communication

Serves, attends, advocates as the Lived Youth Expert Advisor (voting member) on the Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness (which includes attending the General Session, Lived Expert Task Group, and Steering Committee Administration meetings) and the Youth Experiencing Homelessness Steering Committee meetings.

YAB Vice President

Recruitment of new members

Taking minutes for meeting

Supporting the President

Drafting letters of support

Standing in YAB President duties as needed

Ensures all agendas, minutes, formal communication, policy recommendations, and any additional information is saved on the Youth Services' Intranet (SharePoint).

Please review and sign the Youth Action Board Community Guidelines

In order to provide for authentic participation and leadership opportunity for each member, the YAB is composed of 5-7 members serving at least one (2 year) term.

Each member must be between the ages of 16-24 years of age. Members shall broadly represent Youth Services and other community partners by reflecting diverse geography, economic status, culture, gender and philosophy. Prior to turning 24, if a young adult is a current board member, they may stay as voting members for an additional 3 years as approved by the board. At the age of 27 members can stay until the age of 30 as an adult mentor (non-voting member) as approved by the board.

The YAB President and Vice President are elected by YAB from YAB members. The YAB President must first serve one term as Vice President and then serve one term as Past President.

All YAB members agree to a minimum 2-year commitment. Youth Services has three staff that serve as adult mentors for YAB.

Each member can serve in executive positions for to 1 term (2 years) in each position.

Each member otherwise not employed by Salt Lake County who commits to the board will be hired as a Paid Peer Mentor.

Youth Action Board - Peer Mentor - Grade 8
- Tier 1 = No Experience $11.50 
- Tier 2 = After 30 days and/or upon completion of required onboarding trainings
- Tier 3 = Completed onboarding training & Chairing the Youth Action Board - presents in the community as a representative for YAB including but not limited to the local Continuum of Care (CoC) represents the YAB on CoC task groups, meets and partners with local youth leaders (VOA Youth Resource Center, Local political leader, etc.) and coordinates feedback from the YAB in written form when requested for grants, DYS administration or for other needs that require Youth Voice in the community.

The Youth Action Board president will provide an application to the requesting and/or recommended individual. Applications will be found on-line and submitted electronically.

Community partners will support, inform, and collaborate with the Youth Action Board within YAB meetings and in collaboration with the President to set the agenda. YAB reserves the right to invite and limit the amount of community partners in YAB meetings.

Pay periods run every two weeks from Sunday to Saturday. Paydays are every other Friday. All timesheets are due to the Section Manager on the second Friday of every pay period. Please fill out your timesheet daily. Timesheets are on-line and will be emailed to you. You will fill them out and sign them electronically and send them to the Section Manager and Payroll Coordinator for approval. 

Timesheets are filled out in military time. For your reference, below is a military time conversion chart for the most common afterschool program times:

Standard Time       Military Time
12:00 PM                 1200
1:00 PM                   1300
2:00 PM                   1400
3:00 PM                   1500
4:00 PM                   1600
5:00 PM                   1700
6:00 PM                   1800

Additionally, time is entered in 0.25 increments. For example, rather than saying you worked 3 hours and 45 minutes, record 3.75 hours on your timesheet. Reference chart below:

15 minutes = 0.25
30 minutes = 0.50
45 minutes = 0.75
60 minutes = 1.00

YAB members are categorized within the County’s system as “Emergency Hires” and are considered “At Will” employees. “At Will” employees may be terminated for any reason, without notice, and without a pre-termination hearing. Examples of this would be if you are unable to attend more than 2 meetings or community service projects per year and/or engage in unprofessional behaviors (we are role models for others in the community and need to behave in a manner that is respectful to one another and to those in the community - refer to the Salt Lake County Youth Services Code of Conduct).


If a member of the Youth Action Board partakes in any form of illegal activity they will be removed from the board. If a member acts in an inappropriate behavior they will be removed from the board. If a member does not follow rules and regulations they will be subject to termination.

YAB Meetings

YAB meetings will be organized and conducted according to the following procedures. These procedures can be changed by a majority vote at any time.

All YAB meetings will be held monthly on the second Friday, 1400-1600. All YAB meetings shall be conducted in a respectful and professional manner.

The agenda will be provided by the Vice President for each meeting as well as a sign-in sheet.

It is expected that the meeting will follow the agenda and any other topic will be added to the next meeting’s agenda to be discussed.

Each member can bring up a topic of interest at the end of each meeting to discuss at the following meeting. They will also be open to emailing the Vice-President at least 3 (three) days in advance of the meeting to add topics of interest to the agenda.  Meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order

Youth Action Board meetings will be held 1-2 (one-to-two) times each month and will last the duration of 2 (two) hours, subject to change as needed.  

Each meeting is an open meeting with notes provided by the Vice President.

Each member will have the opportunity to attend a meeting via Zoom or WebEx ONLY with the approval of the President and Vice President for emergency purposes.

A notice of the meeting of the Youth Action Board is required. The President of the Youth Action Board will provide notices of meeting dates 1 (one) week in advance as well as a reminder 24 (twenty-four) hours before meetings.

The Youth Action Board Vice President will post meeting minutes and records of the meeting in a group email.  The Youth Action Board meets the first Monday of every month at 5 pm at SLCo Youth Services unless otherwise specified. 

Each meeting will need to have a minimum of half of the members plus one in attendance for voting with email voting as an option.

Communication is key to running and maintaining a YAB. For official YAB business (votes, letters of support, community updates, etc.,), all communication must be through email.  Additional communication (reminders and updates) will be through text.  It is expected that members will respond to email communication in a timely manner (within 24 business hours). If a text is sent out, a thumbs up response is required to confirm receipt of the texts and to ensure effective and swift communication. 

To support our community and one another, YAB members need to make sure the relations between community partners and coworkers are positive.  It is a expected that all YAB members will speak in a respectful tone, not swear, and not interrupt when another YAB member or community partner are speaking.