Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels nutritious midday meals are delivered to frail and isolated older adults aged 60 and older Monday through Friday. Eligible individuals may also receive weekend meals, which are delivered Thursday and Friday. Special diets (cut meat, pureed, no nut, no pork and no seafood) are available. All meals are low-sodium, low-calorie and low-fat.
Each Meals on Wheels applicant is evaluated for program eligibility and additional services needed to assist in living as independently as possible.
We welcome calls for information and assistance from older adults' loved ones and caregivers! Please note, however, that our team must verify eligibility for services directly with applicants in order to start meal delivery.
Donate to Meals on Wheels online or send your contributions through the mail.
Your tax deductible donation helps ensure the ongoing success of the Meals on Wheels program.