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Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels nutritious midday meals are delivered to frail and isolated older adults aged 60 and older Monday through Friday. Eligible individuals may also receive weekend meals, which are delivered Thursday and Friday. Special diets (cut meat, pureed, no nut, no pork and no seafood) are available. All meals are low-sodium, low-calorie and low-fat.

Each Meals on Wheels applicant is evaluated for program eligibility and additional services needed to assist in living as independently as possible.

We welcome calls for information and assistance from older adults' loved ones and caregivers! Please note, however, that our team must verify eligibility for services directly with applicants in order to start meal delivery.

Donate to Meals on Wheels online or send your contributions through the mail.

Your tax deductible donation helps ensure the ongoing success of the Meals on Wheels program.



PetsPlus Food Drive

A dog and a cat lying on a white surface.

The PetsPlus Meals on Wheels Food Drive occurs regularly at the County Government Center (2001 S. State Street).

Please donate new, unopened bags of dry dog and cat food to benefit Meals on Wheels recipients in need who have pets.


To be eligible to receive meals you must be:

  • 60 years of age or older
  • Homebound
  • A resident of Salt Lake County
  • Unable to prepare your own meals
  • Without family or other resources to help with meal preparation

We welcome calls for information and assistance from older adults' loved ones and caregivers! Please note, however, that our team must verify eligibility for services directly with applicants in order to start meal delivery. To seek service for yourself or a loved one, call 385-468-3200.

Volunteer Opportunities

Meals on Wheels provides a daily mid-day meal for homebound older adults in Salt Lake County. Volunteers provide key support for our clients through friendly connection and a warm meal.

Volunteers provide services in the following ways:

  • Delivering meals during a 1-2 hour route at least 2x a month. Timeframe: 10am-2pm.
  • Create a team with your co-workers and take turns donating lunch breaks to deliver a 1-hour route in the neighborhood around the company. Timeframe: 10am-2pm.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
  • Provide proof of and maintain proof of current driver’s license and insurance policy.
  • Pass a standard volunteer background check.
  • Comfort using smartphones for access to route information.
  • Complete a 1 hour online orientation.
  • 1-Year commitment requested.

Contact Shauna Brock

Volunteer Coordinator

Phone Number (385) 468-3196

Mailing Address 2001 South State Street , Ste S1-500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

Contact Susannah Brooks

Volunteer Coordinator

Phone Number (385) 468-3314

Mailing Address 2001 South State Street , Ste S1-500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114