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2009 Integrated Watershed Plan

In August of 2005, South Valley Sewer District (SVSD) made a request to amend the 1978 Area-Wide Water Quality Management Plan.

In the process of re-visiting the 1978 plan, it became apparent that numerous factors such as land-use, population projections, jurisdictional boundaries, water quality requirements/impairments, water supply/use, and wastewater treatment processes have changed significantly since 1978.

As a result, the Salt Lake County Council allocated monies into the 2006 budget to initiate the development of a Water Quality Stewardship Plan, to update the existing Area-Wide Water Quality Management Plan.

The updated plan, completed in 2009, contains all of the essential elements found in the original Area-Wide Water Quality Management Plan (also known as a 208 Plan) and incorporated guidance from the recently published Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters (EPA, 2006).

